Build a Website

The ability to integrate R Markdown into websites and virtual portfolios makes for a very powerful communications platform. This website, for instance, is all written using the blogdown package and it’s integration with Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify, which allow for seamless site rendering and hosting. It’s possible for you to learn how to build your own site using the same strategy, but there are also simpler methods which you can employ.

Building a website may be beyond your time and abilities this semester, however, the resources below can help you explore how to do this in the future.

Web Building Resources

Blogdown Book

Alison Hill and Desiree De Leon’s presentation Sharing on Short Notice provides a great overview for three different website workflows.

Alison Hill’s Up and Running with Blogdown in 2021 is a great resource with up to date information on how to make a site similar to this one.

R Blogdown: Websites for Academics


Tiny Stats is a statistical education website written in R Markdown. Check out this presentation on creating the site as well.